

My name is _______ and I’m the mastermind behind Ma’am in the Middle. I juggle the titles of wife, mom, and career extraordinaire. As I navigate the wild rollercoaster of #momLife and attempt to defy generational jinxes through #intentionalParenting, I figured, why not create a space to unload my musings, battles, nuggets of wisdom, in the hope that someone out there might find it useful. This blog is like my personal diary, a place to unleash all the chaos swirling in my head. Maybe I’ll sprinkle some inspiration, maybe not, but I know that by jotting down my thoughts, prayers, and aspirations for the future, I’ll emerge as a mentally and physically upgraded version of myself… a better half and an epic mom, if you will. So, do drop by every week to catch up on my latest escapades. And remember, don’t hold back on showing some love… Let’s form a tribe of fellow warriors taking on the 9 to 5 gig while hustling to ace the spouse and parent game!

Thanks for stopping by and ….

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