Making Marriage Work

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My husband and I have been married for a solid ten years, defying all the stereotypes associated with cusp millennials like us. Whether we’re seen as Generation X or Millennials, one thing’s for sure – we tied the knot much later than most of our peers. The question is, how did we manage to thrive and remain committed after a decade?

While everyone has their own opinions on what works in marriage, the truth is, we believe our pre-marital experiences played a crucial role in our success. We were clear about what we didn’t/don’t want in our relationship, and most importantly, we were ready to weather any storm together. Our commitment keeps us going.

Photo by Jasmin Wedding Photography on

How do we make it work? Honestly, we just talk a lot. Not always perfectly, but we try to communicate… a lot. And every day, we keep choosing each other. Sure, we have our struggles as a couple, but we face them… together. We talk about what our lives would be like if we weren’t together, how we want to raise our kids, and why being apart isn’t what we want. We talk about our non-negotiables, our dreams, and our visions. We share intimate moments, both outside and in the bedroom. We believe in each other and genuinely want to see each other succeed. We’re friends, we’re lovers, and we’re making this millennial marriage thing work.

Shout out to the many others successful at millennial marriage. How do yo make it work? What advice would you give those preparing to say their wedding vows? What advice would you give to those who’s marriage is lost in the hustle and bustle of raising kids and living life? 

Until next time…love one another.

Ma’am in the Middle

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